Month: June 2018

  • The Beauty of Traveling

    I would say I have been traveling for 23 years of my life, but I just became an official traveler over a year ago. I said 23 years because traveling does not always mean taking a flight to another city or country. Travelling is simply moving from one destination to another. What makes us distinct…

  • 5 places to takes good pictures at Baltimore

    [dropcap]B[/dropcap]altimore is a beautiful city, you can literally stand anywhere to get a good picture just as I did below, but here are a few pictures spots that would totally nail your Instagram aesthetics. The Washington Monument Park in Baltiomore 2. The Harbor 3. The Aquarium Read my PREVIOUS article where I detailed places you…

  • I could not believe the airport at Paris! – Review

    [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Airport, like I said in the – “MY SHORT STAY IN PARIS POST“, the airport is innovative, beautiful and modern. And like I also said in THIS VIDEO on YouTube, I just wish Nigeria’s airport would take cues from airports like this, so we can position ourselves to be among-st the best: Amongst the…

  • The New Airport in Nigeria – It is beautiful!

    I am introducing you to the NEW AIPORT IN NIGERIA!! I know you probably opened this post out of being very inquisitive to find out if this is true, or maybe you really longed for it to be true, whichever case, it is best I let the cat out of the bag and tell you…

  • What you need to know before travelling to America!

    [dropcap]I[/dropcap] have been in America for about two weeks now, and it took me 5 days to get myself back together, so I thought to do a post on things you need to get yourself prepared for before you pack your bags to come to America  – that is if you have not been to…